Wednesday, April 27, 2011

5 Simple Keys to Using Facebook

Introduction to Facebook -  You can find 5 tips in using a facebook.

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Your biggest fans have probably already told a couple friends about your business in casual conversation, but Facebook’s technology makes it easy for them to spread the word instantaneously to all of their friends—on average, over 100 people.

Keys to Using Facebook 
1) Make business personal
People primarily use Facebook to share personal information with friends. The
more you showcase the human element of your business, your products, and your
people, the stronger of an effect it will have on everyone who views it.

2) Update your Facebook Page frequently
Facebook is geared to highlight new information and recent changes. The more
often you add new content, the more often people will come back to your
Facebook Page. You can also send Updates to your fans to announce in-store
events, special promotions, new products, concerts, screenings, or other news.

3) Harness the power of News Feed
The News Feed on users’ home pages tells them what their friends are doing.
When users become your fan, News Feed tells their friends and invites them to
become fans as well.  In turn, this can lead to the friends of their friends finding
out about your business through their News Feeds, and so on in a virtuous cycle.
News Feed is the key to spreading your message virally on Facebook.

4) Choose the applications that are best for your
Facebook and its outside developers have built thousands of free applications for
businesses, bands, and every other type of organization. Your Page comes with
the basics pre-installed, but you can easily add whichever other applications are
right for your business. For instance, a restaurant may choose to add an
application for online ordering or reservations, while a film may add a cinema-
locator so the user can find the nearest screening without ever leaving Facebook.
You can even build your own applications. The more useful your applications are
to your customers, the faster your fan base will grow.

5) Promote your Page through Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads allow you to reach exactly the audience you want and bring them
to your Page. You can choose your audience based on age, gender, geography,
educational status, relationship status, and precise interests or keywords. Your ads
can be socialized so that users’ interactions are reflected in the ads their friends
see, increasingly the virality of your Page. You can run ads both in traditional
“banner” locations and in the News Feed. As with your Page itself, the key to
success with Facebook Ads is to experiment and iterate on your work.

Facebook experts are all around you: in your family, on your staff, amongst your customers, at
your competitors. Don’t hesitate to ask them for advice and to follow their lead when you see a
successful strategy at work.

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